
Error: WordPress could not establish a secure connection

So as you can see, I have recently re-setup my blog.

Everything seemed to go smoothly up until I tried installing a theme (either directly or via file-upload), whereupon I would receive the same error message every time:

Error: WordPress could not establish a secure connection to

I wasted a couple of hours upgrading PHP, CURL, OpenSSL as well as my the OpenSSL root before stumbling upon

This user had exactly the same problem, which he traced to an incompatibility between Curl and SSL with regards to IPV6.
Following his advice, I added just before the end of __construct in wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php the following line:

curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array("", ""));

It’s an absolute terrible hack (hard coded IP addresses what could possibly go wrong!) but at least I can install themes on this blog now. So many thanks PeterBB, and eagerly awaiting a resolution to