Typescript Terrors Uncategorised

Typescript Overloading

I spent a couple of hours recently trying to solve a problem with overloading in TypeScript only to realise there wasn’t actually a problem at all – I had just completely misunderstood how overloading works !

Unlike other languages where an overload acts as an “alias” for the implementing method, in TypeScript an overload “replaces” / hides the implementing method – the implementing method becomes inaccessible unless called via an overload signature.


I’ll try to show a basic example and then go into more details.

Imagine, for the sake of this example, an equivalent of “parseInt” (that we could call doParseInt) that takes either a number or a string.

  • If a number is passed we return the number directly.
  • If a string is passed however, a second argument “radix” is required.

We could code this like:

// Basic function to test overloading: can be called in two ways
// value is number (radix not used)
// value is string (radix required)

function doParseInt(value: (number | string), radix?: number): number {
  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    return value;
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return parseInt(value, radix);
  throw new Error(`unexpected value: ${value}`);

We can use it like:

const val1 = doParseInt(123); // OK
const val2 = doParseInt('123'); // Error - radix is required if value is string
const val3 = doParseInt(123, 8); // Error - radix is not used if value is number
const val4 = doParseInt('123', 10); // OK
const val5 = doParseInt(123 as (number | string)); // OK

This works but is not great from a type-safety point of view – we have no way of forcing to people to pass a radix if value is string, or likewise from not passing a radix if value is numeric.

Overloading to the rescue – We add our overload signatures to refine the way we can call the implementing function:

function doParseInt(value: number): number;
function doParseInt(value: string, radix: number): number;

Note these are not “functions” – they do not have a body!

They serve purely as “overload signatures” – method signatures that refine (limit) how we can call the implementing method.

After adding our signatures, everything seems great except “val5” which no longer compiles – it appears the fact of adding an overload signature has made the original implementing method inaccessible !

const val1 = doParseInt(123); // OK
// const val2 = doParseInt('123'); // No longer compiles - great
// const val3 = doParseInt(123, 8); // Likewise, great
const val4 = doParseInt('123', 10); // OK
const val5 = doParseInt(123 as (number | string)); // No longer compiles either .... !

Results in:

error TS2345: Argument of type 'string | number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

The problem comes from val5 – we want to be able to call directly the non-overloaded implementation method.

However, this is not possible in TypeScript – adding a single overload makes the non-overloaded implementation inaccessible.

To resolve this, we need to simply add the original method signature as an overload signature of itself.

The final code looks like:

function doParseInt(value: number): number;

function doParseInt(value: string, radix: number): number;

function doParseInt(value: (number | string), radix?: number): number;

// Basic function to test overloading: can be called in two ways
// value is number (radix not used)
// value is string (radix required)
function doParseInt(value: (number | string), radix?: number): number {
  if (typeof value === 'number') {
    return value;
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return parseInt(value, radix);
  throw new Error(`unexpected value: ${value}`);

In hindsight it seems clearly logical – we add overload signatures to refine/specialise the call, and so it doesn’t make much sense to leave the original implementing method available.

What would have been great would have been an error message more explicit: Implementing function not available if overload signature exists” for example

This example is slightly contrived: The actual problem was with array signatures (RxJS combineLatest for example) but that will be the subject of my next post.


Fitness 09/05

Started off the morning with two classes: Body Pump and RPM.

Body Pump 113 (45 mins, lunges + shoulders)

  • Squats – 7.5kg x2 with the bar, 10kg for the presses at the end (no change)
  • Chest – 15kg x2 with the bar, 6kg x2 with the dumb-bells (no change)
  • Back – 7.5kg x2 with the bar (no change)
  • Triceps / Biceps – 6kg x2 with dumb-bells for the biceps (no change)
  • Lunges / Shoulders – 10kg for the presses (no change)

Spin 86 (30 mins)

Fitness Sports

Fitness 09/01

Spin (30 mins)

It’s currently the end the holiday season in France at the moment, so this week my gym is running “video sessions” – no instructor, but we follow the class on the TV.

BodyPump 113 (45mins)

I also participated in the evening BodyPump class – edition 113.

  • Squats – 7.5kg x2 with the bar, 10kg for the presses at the end
  • Chest – 15kg x2 with the bar, 6kg x2 with the dumb-bells
  • Back – 7.5kg x2 with the bar – This song is an absolute killer on the forearms !
  • Triceps / Biceps – 6kg x2 with dumb-bells for the biceps
  • Lunges / Shoulders – 10kg for the presses

Quick & Dirty Git Mirroring

A situation that happens often – you’re working on a repository (GitHub for example) also want your commits automatically mirrored to anther repository.

The obvious solution is to add a second remote, but that means having to constantly remember to push to both remotes.
After playing around with the idea of aliases and hooks, I fell upon a little-known Git feature – secondary fetch and push URLs.

We can add additional fetch and push URLs for a remote by using the reite set-url
For example, to add https://my-backup-remote as a remote for the current
git remote set-url –add –push origin https://my-backup-remote

Taking a peek at the .config fileL

[remote “origin”]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
pushurl =
pushurl = \\\\\\public\\projects\\snorlax

C:\dev\adista\snorlax>git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL:
Push URL:
Push URL: \\\public\projects\snorlax
HEAD branch: master
Remote branch:
master tracked
Local ref configured for ‘git push’:
master pushes to master (up to date)

C:\dev\adista\snorlax>git push origin head -v
Pushing to
= [up to date] head -> master
updating local tracking ref ‘refs/remotes/origin/master’
Everything up-to-date
Pushing to \\\public\projects\snorlax
To \\\public\projects\snorlax
= [up to date] head -> master
updating local tracking ref ‘refs/remotes/origin/master’
Everything up-to-date

Notice that fetches are not affected – we fetch from only the fetch URL (perfect – it doesn’t really make sense to fetch from our backup remote).

C:\dev\adista\snorlax>git fetch -v
 = [up to date]      master     -> origin/master

Quick, easy & dirty !

Code Quality

Snorlax – SonarQube reporting tool

My latest project is a basic SonarQube reporting tool, used to generate e-mail reports on unassigned and open issues by user and project.

Snorlax is designed do to two things:

  • Notify users periodically of all “overdue” issues (an overdue issue is one that is unresolved since a certain time).
  • Provide managers with a summary report of which users have the most overdue issues, and which projects have the most unassigned issues.

To Run

The easiest way is via Docker for Linux:

docker run -it
        -e SNORLAX_SONAR_URL=*SonarUrl*
        -e SNORLAX_SONAR_TOKEN=*ApiToken*
        -e SNORLAX_SMTP_SERVER=*SmtpServer*

See for a list of all supported environment variables.


Error: WordPress could not establish a secure connection

So as you can see, I have recently re-setup my blog.

Everything seemed to go smoothly up until I tried installing a theme (either directly or via file-upload), whereupon I would receive the same error message every time:

Error: WordPress could not establish a secure connection to

I wasted a couple of hours upgrading PHP, CURL, OpenSSL as well as my the OpenSSL root before stumbling upon

This user had exactly the same problem, which he traced to an incompatibility between Curl and SSL with regards to IPV6.
Following his advice, I added just before the end of __construct in wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php the following line:

curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array("", ""));

It’s an absolute terrible hack (hard coded IP addresses what could possibly go wrong!) but at least I can install themes on this blog now. So many thanks PeterBB, and eagerly awaiting a resolution to


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